【問題】Unity GL ?推薦回答

關於「Unity GL」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

GL - Scripting API - Unity - Manual。

SetPass). The material controls how the rendering is done (blending, textures, etc.), so unless you explicitly set it to something before using GL draw ... LINES: Mode for Begin: draw lines Wireframe: Should rendering be done in wireframe? InvertCulling: Select whether to invert the backface culling (true) or not (false) QUADS: Mode for Begin: draw quads: tw | tw。

Scripting API: GL.Begin - Unity - Manual。

Begin drawing 3D primitives. In OpenGL this matches glBegin ; on other graphics APIs the same functionality is emulated. Between GL.Begin and GL.End it ...: tw | tw。

GL.LINES and GL functionality with LWRP - Unity Forum。

2019年1月25日 · I'm hoping to use some of the GL.*() class of functions, in particular rendering with GL.LINES. However, I tried upgrading my project to the ...: tw | tw。

How do I use GL.Lines? - Unity Forum。

2016年7月3日 · I am trying to display a line in game view, and saw most people are using GL but I can't get them to display; I know I must be doing ...: tw | tw。

Why nothing appear when using the GL class? - Unity Forum。

2011年12月1日 · Just trying a few C# example about the GL class from the documentation : -...: tw | tw。

use of GL matrices - Unity Forum。

2015年9月9日 · I'm struggling for 2 days to draw a line using GL.Lines. I want to draw based on world space coords. I know GL code works in viewport space ...。

Rendering GL Lines - Z order manipulation - Unity Answers。

2019年10月26日 · So I'm rendering a grid in run time using GL immediate drawing functions. ... You can see it in action over here: twitter video post.。

GL.Draw in HDRP - Unity Forum。

2020年4月1日 · In URP I can use GL.Draw methods like seen in the example with no problems. Anyone knows if HDRP will support it too? void...: tw | tw。

How to increase GL.Lines width?????Help me. - Unity Forum。

2012年8月25日 · I Use GL.Lines draw several lines,I want to change its size...But I cannot find any function can do such a thing In GL Class......any oni ...: tw | tw。

GL and UGUI(world) Render order - Unity Forum。

2019年12月17日 · In my game, i use gl to draw wireframe of building, but my ugui were covered by gl lines. like this: [ATTACH] i try to change material ...: tw | tw

常見Unity GL問答
