\ 小美到底是誰啦??\ #帽帽...
\ 小美到底是誰啦??\ #帽帽與姆姆27\ #IG求追蹤:https://www.instagram.com/hatto0112/\ —\ #MediBang #MediBangPaint #comic #comics #art #drawing #painting #photo #Line
#圖文 #插畫 #插圖 #漫畫 #繪畫 #原創 #設計 #貼圖\ #love #愛 #facebook #臉書 #友誼 #friends\
\ 小美到底是誰啦??\ #帽帽與姆姆27\ #IG求追蹤:https://www.instagram.com/hatto0112/\ —\ #MediBang #MediBangPaint #comic #comics #art #drawing #painting #photo #Line
#圖文 #插畫 #插圖 #漫畫 #繪畫 #原創 #設計 #貼圖\ #love #愛 #facebook #臉書 #友誼 #friends\
\ 想到臉書當AR設計師的人看過來!聽朋友說,臉書矽谷總部近來大量招募虛擬實境(Augment Reality)設計師,有動畫動玩設計經驗的設計師都是他們很有興趣的人才。要是有相關背景不妨上網查查或是私訊我,可以幫你介紹。FB is hiring AR designers! I heard that
FB is hiring many Augment Reality designers, especially those who had gaming backgrounds. If you have relevant background, you may want to check out FB website or message me. Happy to make some introductions! \ \ #SiliconValleyJobs #矽谷職缺 #臉書 #設計師 #虛擬實境 #AR #FB #Designer\ \ photo credit: jamesprovost.com\
\ 臉書用戶越來越大眾化,連銀髮族也愛用,旗下部門 Internet.org 急著開發沒網路的未開發國家,為了增加新用戶。另一方面競爭對手、前陣子股票不太行的Sanpchat持續針對青少年推出新產品,最新產品是會自動將多個不同人錄的演唱會影片連一起(產品示範在這裡 https://youtu.be/x
QkapLhuGV0)到底鹿死誰手,we will see! \ \ Snapchat “Crowd Surf” stitches together everyone’s concert videos\ \ Snapchat’s got a new trick to stay one step ahead of Instagram by turning everyone’s quick video clips from concerts into a much more watchable music video you control.\ \ Snapchat “Crowd Surf” uses artificial intelligence machine learning technology to analyze when lots of people are all recording the same musical performance at the same time. It can then lace together the different angles while keeping the song playing smoothly so you can choose where to watch from and see more than 10 seconds of footage in a row. You can see a demo recorded by TechCrunch below:\ \ https://youtu.be/xQkapLhuGV0\ \ https://techcrunch.com/2017/08/14/snapchat-crowd-surf/\ \ #Facebook #SnapChat #臉書\
\ 在家喜歡吃的健康又講究?Honey lemon bbq chicken breast,chicken stock quinoa rissoto,vegies.#healthyfood#homecooking#homemadefood #eatsthome#foodie#instafood#layo
\ 踏出第一步,你就是阿姆斯壯。\ \ 【年輕人還在「想」怎麼成功?臉書創辦人:電影演錯了!】\ \ 這一代的年輕人要做大事?你可能會想我根本不會做什麼大事,祖克柏分享了一個小秘密:「沒有人一開始就知道怎麼做,好點子只有在你踏出第一步時,才會開始浮現,重點是:你要踏出第一步」\ \ #臉書 #祖克
柏 #YFB\