殺青了!✌️\ 我們熬過高溫,暴雨...
殺青了!✌️\ 我們熬過高溫,暴雨,日夜顛倒,睡眠不足,高強度工作!感謝全劇組,雖然很辛苦,我感到超愉快有這次的經歷。拍這部網劇已經給我好幸福的回憶.\ \ It’s a wrap! Neither the suffocating summer heats, the unpredictable pou
ring rain, the day and night shifts in a row, nor the intensive working rythme will diminish how elated I feel right now to have taken part in this project. I am flying back to Taiwan my mind full of sweet memories.\ \ #假設錯誤 #殺青 #騰訊 #科幻 #網劇 #短劇 #連續劇 \ #itsawrap #findetournage #series #tencent #scifi